Thursday, January 30, 2020


Many early experimental films were a product of the surrealist artistic movement of the 

                                                 Anemic Cinema ( Duchamp 1926)

Un chien andalou ( Bunuel /Dali 1929 )

The first American experimental films appear........

Meshes of the afternoon ( Deren 1943)

Scorpio Rising ( Anger 1964 )


New Wave (FrenchLa Nouvelle Vague) is a French art film movement[3] which emerged in the 1950s and 1960s. New Wave filmmakers were linked by a spirit of iconoclasm and their rejection of traditional filmmaking conventions. Common features of the New Wave included experimentation with editing, visual style, and narrative, as well as engagement with the social and political upheavals of the era.[3] The New Wave is often referred to as one of the most influential movements in the history of cinema.

Key director : Jean-Luc Godard 

Godard focused on subverting genre and narrative and experimented with many elements of film form such as long unbroken takes...

Weekend ( Godard 1967)

Godard also used highly unconventional and experimental editing techniques such as jump cuts , which filmmakers normally avoid as it breaks the rules of invisible editing ...

A bout de souffle ( Godard 1960) 

Bande a part ( Godard 1964)

Godard is a huge influence on many postmodernist , experimental and mainstream  filmmakers such as  Martin Scorsese and Quentin Tarantino

A filmmaker influenced by surrealism as well as other other art forms and music is
  David Lynch, who since the 1970s has created experimental films, mainstream /postmodernist Hollywood films, television series as well as films  which combine features of all of the above along with genres such as crime,melodrama and horror.

                                                     Eraserhead ( Lynch 1977) Has many experimental elements

                                                  The Elephant Man ( Lynch 1980)  
                                                   A mainstream narrative  film 

ALSO .......
Le Jetee ( Marker)

Warhol's experimental films

New French Extremity e.g Irreversible

Slow Cinema

Pure Cinema ( and other non-narrative cinema )

"Postmodernist " films and TV :

not as extreme in their experimental use of film form or narrative and generally 1990s onwards,be of standard length  and may be released and consumed within the mainstream of  rather than linked to visual art movements or philosophical movements. They may bend the rules of narrative and film form conventions within a fairly traditional structure or feature more consistent use of cause and effect or mise-en-scene....


Being John Malkovich


Far From Heaven 


Mulholland Drive / Lost Highway  ( David Lynch )

The Simpsons

Family Guy

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