Monday, January 29, 2018


 Pre-modernist  beliefs
-There is only one “Truth”
-The truth is obvious to everybody
-no awareness of other possibilities
-possible lack of tolerance
-lacks  awareness of other viewpoints or perspectives  so subjectivist v objectivist orientation criteria do not apply
--enforcement of “the Truth” guarantees an ideal social order
Modernist ideas 
-Some “truths”
-Recognises other perspectives and the truth they imply
-Validating own truth becomes important when there are possible alternatives
-There is a “Right Method” of cognition( thinking) that is valid
-focusses on the object of knowing
-pervasive concern with the method that finds “The Truth”
-different “truths” are considered “mistaken” rather than “evil”
-education of the mistaken is important
- lots of complex explanations as to why the mistaken are mistaken (see poverty)
-programmes implemented for their “enlightenment”

Postmodernist ideas 
-Not centred on only one “truth”
-recognises and encourages the subjectivist approach
-the assumption of the truth is in respect of the perspective of the subject
-no truth is universal or complete
- no need for a Grand Narrative
-people are not “evil” or “mistaken”, but simply “different”
-focus on understanding not arguing for or against views
-individuals implement projects in actual circumstances rather than look at goals to be achieved